Wierd NFS v3 client problems..

Thomas Davis (tadavis@lbl.gov)
Fri, 21 May 1999 10:45:23 -0700

Ok, I've got a wierdo NFS v3 client problem. I'm trying to get all my
systems to run v3 nfs client against a Sun E450, running Solaris 2.6
(lastest recommended patches, as of May 17)

This sun also runs AFS, and does a export of the /afs into an AFS-to-NFS

When I mount using the old mount, which means a v2 client, it works

When I mount using the new mount, which means the kernel will use v3, it
doesn't work.

Here's an example:

[root@starlx08 SOURCES]# ls /afs
[root@starlx08 SOURCES]# cd /afs/rhic
[root@starlx08 rhic]# pwd
[root@starlx08 rhic]# ls


starsu00.nersc.gov:/afs /auto/afs nfs
rw,v3,rsize=8192,wsize=32768,intr,addr=starsu00.nersc.gov 0 0

dmesg gives a kernel message of:

nfs_stat_to_errno: bad nfs status return value: 10004

Now, changing the mount back to the RH5.1 mount:

[root@starlx08 /root]# rpm -ivh --force mount-2.7l-3.i386.rpm
[root@starlx08 /root]# umount /afs
[root@starlx08 /root]# ls /afs
VFL.Paramax.com gr.osf.org nsf-centers.edu
afstest.nersc.gov grand.central.org others.chalmers.se
alw.nih.gov graphics.cornell.edu palo_alto.hpl.hp.com
andrew.cmu.edu hpcc.gsfc.nasa.gov
anl.gov hrzone.th-darmstadt.de phy.bnl.gov
athena.mit.edu iastate.edu pitt.edu
bcc.ac.uk in2p3.fr pppl.gov
bnl.gov inel.gov psc.edu
bstars.com ipp-garching.mpg.de pub.nsa.hp.com
bu.edu ir.stanford.edu rel-eng.athena.mit.edu
cards.com isi.edu rhic
ce.cmu.edu iway.org ri.osf.org
cern.ch kiewit.dartmouth.edu rose-hulman.edu
ciesin.org lrz-muenchen.de rpi.edu
citi.umich.edu lsa.umich.edu rrz.uni-koeln.de
cmf.nrl.navy.mil math.lsa.umich.edu rus.uni-stuttgart.de
cmu.edu media-lab.mit.edu sfc.keio.ac.jp
cs.arizona.edu msc.cornell.edu sipb.mit.edu
cs.brown.edu msrc.pnl.gov slac.stanford.edu
cs.cmu.edu mtxinu.com spc.uchicago.edu
cs.cornell.edu nada.kth.se ssc.gov
cs.unc.edu ncat.edu stars.com
cs.washington.edu ncsa.uiuc.edu
css.cs.utah.edu nd.edu syseng.osf.org
ctd.ornl.gov nersc.gov test.alw.nih.gov
ctp.se.ibm.com nersc.test theory.cornell.edu
dce.emsl.pnl.gov nersc.test.gov titech.ac.jp
dsg.stanford.edu net.mit.edu transarc.com
ece.cmu.edu ni.umd.edu ucop.edu
es.net northstar.dartmouth.edu umich.edu
ethz.ch nrel.gov uni-freiburg.de
foreign nrlfs1.nrl.navy.mil wam.umd.edu


starsu00.nersc.gov:/afs /auto/afs nfs
rw,v2,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,intr,addr=starsu00.nersc.gov 0 0

as you can see, it works fine.

Is it mount, or a bug in the NFS v3 client?

Thomas Davis		| PDSF Project Leader
tadavis@lbl.gov		| 
(510) 486-4524		| "Only a petabyte of data this year?"

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