Re: rename is idiotic (was Re: VFAT rename)

Riley Williams (rhw@MemAlpha.CX)
Fri, 21 May 1999 17:31:31 +0100 (GMT)

Hi there.

>> This is wrong. In German, there is a big difference between "paar"
>> and "Paar" (the first meaning "a few", the second "pair").

That's apparently correct...

> The classic example:

> "Ich habe liebe Genossen in Moskau" - I've got dead comreds in Moscow.
> "Ich habe Liebe genossen in Moskau" - I enjoyed love in Moscow.

...but that apparently isn't...

Ich habe liebe Genossen in Moskau = I have friendly comrades in Moscow.
Ich habe Liebe genossen in Moskau = I enjoyed love in Moscow.

However, the fact that they have different meanings is definately

Best wishes from Riley.

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