ESS688 and 2.2.8

christian (
Wed, 19 May 1999 17:14:06 -0300 (EST)

I've used sb_ess ever since I remember using linux and it's always worked
fine for me. I have an ESS688 card, and it works fine on 2.2.7.

The changes introduced in 2.2.8, however, left the card unusable. At
times, when the module loads it produces an oops - and it never works. I
don't have much experience debugging drivers, but since the changes were
made recently I guess they're fairy well-known.

I've since reverted to the 2.2.7 sb_ess.c - compiles clean with 2.2.9. For
some reason, the opl3 hasn't gone back working and I've yet to look into

I'll send more info on my system if you need it, and help debugging it, if


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