S3 Frame Buffer

Wed, 19 May 1999 03:31:24 +0000

attn:Kernel Linux
from:Rajan Senthil

I applied the S3 Frame Buffer patch against 2.3.2, it works great,
I see my penguin logo!, but still can be improved like Solaris
(white bg and logo at the bottom and/or animated logo while
loading). I will try.

You can get the patch from 'http://www.colonel-panic.com'. This
patch is against 2.2.9, you need to edit the patch file a bit.

You may have to disable vgacon, it does't work for me with vgacon,
I don't know why, though fb documents says 'it should work'.

I am still trying to configure XF86_FbDev, can anyone point to me
how to configure XF86Config file for fbdev. XF86_SVGA server works
as normal under low FB resolution (< 800x600)

Senthil rajan

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