Linux-2.3.3 and a short hiatus..

Linus Torvalds (
Mon, 17 May 1999 09:59:53 -0700 (PDT)

There's a Linux-2.3.3 out there on, this one hopefully
fixes pretty much all the waitqueue changes (and I'll disable waitqueue
debugging in 2.3.4 unless something comes up).

And yes, before anybody tells me, I know I forgot to increment the version
number. So "uname" is goign to report 2.3.2 unless you fix that by hand.

I'm also leaving for a very quick trip to Finland in another two hours, so
don't bother emailing me - please discuss isues on the kernel list, and
I'll catch up when I get back on Friday (yes, I'll spen as much time in
airplanes as I do on the ground - fun, fun).

Have fun,


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