Multiple ide DVD/CD devices question

Chuck Campbell (
Wed, 12 May 1999 09:46:44 -0500

I'm picking up a machine this afternoon, and it comes with a DVD drive.

My understanding is that there are no drivers for these as of yet. I will
need to install linux from my RH5.2 CD, so I am going to buy a CD-RW
drive at the same time (I think).


1)will the machine be happy under Linux with both devices in place?
(It will be a quad boot, Linux, NT, Win98, Solaris)
2)are there any experimental/developmental drivers for the DVD?
3)do CD-RW devices work like CD for the purpose I stated above, or should
I buy a plain CD device?
4)I need to add another disk for all these OSes. I assume 2 HD's and
one DVD and one CD are all going to live happily here. Which devices
need to be primary? I assume the HD's need to be if I want to boot from


ACCEL Services, Inc.| Specialists in Gravity, Magnetics |  1(713)993-0671 ph.
1980 Post Oak Blvd. |   and Integrated Interpretation   |  1(713)960-1157 fax
    Suite 2050      |                                   |
 Houston, TX, 77056 |          Chuck Campbell           |
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