performance & you-know-who

Albert D. Cahalan (
Sat, 8 May 1999 20:48:47 -0400 (EDT)

There is a _new_ "Open Benchmark Invitation" on Mindcraft's site.

This one is hard to refuse. PC Week has offered to supply the lab
and settle disputes over the rules. We got NT clients added, along
with an unlimited-patch test run and some random minor junk.

(we can kill atime, mke2fs with fancy options or use reiserfs, add the
Beowulf hack for multiple Ethernet cards, hack the scheduler, etc.)

Linux might really lose. This is like benchmarking knfsd against the
user-space NFS, with NT getting the kernel-mode advantage. Ouch.
NT will be keeping all files open during the entire http test,
binding processes and cards to processors, etc.

At least we get to spend a day tuning, so somebody will get a chance
to profile the kernel on very expensive hardware. If Linux does lose,
somebody might even get bothered enough to write ksmbd and khttpd.

To refuse is to admit failure, not even giving Linux a chance.

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