Re: 2.2.6 and Sangoma WANPIPE

Christoph Lameter (
Fri, 30 Apr 1999 10:33:12 -0700 (PDT)

Are you sure that routed is broadcasting RIP across the T1? I have had
trouble with my provider shutting down if no RIP was received.

Routed must be started after the T1 interface has been activated.

We are still running 2.0.33 and were considering trying 2.2.X in the next
days. Keep us posted.

On 30 Apr 1999, Camm Maguire wrote:
> Greetings! We've just upgraded our internal routers using the Sangoma
> wanpipe S508 cards to 2.2.6 recently. We've merged Alan Cox's wanpipe
> patches from 2.2.6ac1, and used the latest wanconfig code from

Christoph Lameter, MSCS, M.Div.
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