Re: load linux from linux??

Frank Bernard (
Fri, 30 Apr 1999 06:35:15 +0200 (MEST)

Hi Steffen, (Moin, Moin),

read initrd.txt and ramdisk.txt in the Documentation section of the
kernel. It's already been done, like so many times with Linux.
I've done a initrd, which loads as one variant of installation the
software into several ramdisks. The secret is real-root-dev in the /proc
section. You can mail/phone me directly if I can help you.
I can pass you a boot diskette of LinuxWall directly, too.
Instead of scanning you can and should do the process semi-automagically,
like the most distributors do.



Dipl.-Inform. Frank Bernard phone : +49 69 477169
Ellerstr. 11 fax : +49 69 47885616
60389 Frankfurt handy : +49 179 6900088
Germany email :
www :

On Thu, 29 Apr 1999, Steffen Ullrich wrote:

> Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 23:33:30 +0200
> From: Steffen Ullrich <>
> To:
> Subject: load linux from linux??
> The question is probably not that much kernel-related, but I couldn't find
> anything useful on the net and don't I think the other news groups in the other
> news groups this will be more offtopic than in this.
> Is there any way to use something like loadlin from linux (don't reply yet, wait
> for the details). What I want is to make an install disk, which boots into a
> minimal linux, then scans all disks/CD-ROM/(maybe network) for an installable
> linux version and then boots this version so that it get installed. This means
> that it has to overwrite the kernel because the distribution to install will
> maybe contain already a newer kernel. So it has similar things to do loadlin
> does when it boots linux by overwriting a running windows.
> Another interesting use would be to have a read-only bootimage (maybe on a
> floppy) to boot linux, then check all file systems on the disk and if all is
> fine overwrite myself by executing the bootsector (e.g. LILO) which then will
> continue with booting the real linux. If the disk check fails (root partition
> might be corrupt, disk might be damaged...) I could continue the boot process
> from the read-only medium and go into a kind of maintance mode (and for instance
> initialize a modem, notify a remote admin and wait for him to log in from
> outside and try to solve the problem).
> -
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