I have an unsigned long field in the struct_task.
The value storaged in that field is "value(t) = value(\tau) + jiffies - current->start_time/ number_of_process", where value(t) is the field in the current time t, value(\tau) is the field value when the process was created and number_of_process is the quantity of active process. This field is updated by each process when it is running.
My questions ...
1- After a little time I read that field "value" and I got
the integer: 4294967295.
Did I get an overflow ??
2- The jiffies value is at most 2**31.
Could happen overflow with this value in the LINUX??
If it happens ...
How this situation is solved by LINUX ??
3- A process is created and after...I want to get the time
spent with that process from the start until the current time.
Is this value equal to "jiffies - current->start_time"?
Do you have other suggestion to represent that value??
Thank you again.
Best regards,
Livia Catarina.
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