There was NO such problem with older 2.2.x kernels (with the SAME alsa driver).
Another interesting issue that some minutes ago dsp could be opened but
playing an MP3 often paused for a while in case of some LIGHT disk I/O
activity which never happened with 2.2.6 !
(This could be some memory fragmentation because stopping my netscape and
X server allows me to play that MP3 with 2.2.7 too)
-- ---[ LGB/DC ]------------[ University Of Veszprém ]------[ Lénárt Gábor ]--- "The truth is out there" "We're l{ea,i}ving together" "The future is dark." ---[ 88/422022(4602) ]---[ ]---------[ 87/477074 ]--- finger for more information including my PGP&GEEK code- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to Please read the FAQ at