Re: Kernel Improvement

Albert D. Cahalan (
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 11:12:08 -0400 (EDT)

Paris Cristiano writes:

> Final Exam of this course consist in both a practical project and a
> written test. While I don' expect you to help me survive to the
> written test, I'd like you to give me some suggestion and directions
> to develop a kernel improvement project.
> I don't want to make some accademic&not-usable project, but rather a
> project the Linux Kernel community would appreciate and use.
> So, which parts of the Kernel need an improvement ? Direct me to some
> Web site too.

I have a rather large list of interesting things you might consider.
They range from trivial junk to extremely large projects. Try not to
start something you can not finish.

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