module system breaking in 2.2.X (probably soundcard)

Mark Orr (
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 05:52:57 -0500 (CDT)

I've been noticing that after running my system a while, particularly
with sound apps, the module system will break. I've seen the effect
before under other circumstances...what you're left with is a system
where everything runs fine, but you cant load any modules.

lsmod/modprobe/depmod report some sort of QM_INFO error. The only
solution is to reboot.

Sysinfo: running 2.2.7 (i've seen this with other 2.2's and 2.2-ac's
back probably to 2.2.2 or 3 or so). Pentium 100 / 16M RAM + 17M swap.
glibc 2.1.1pre1. binutils, egcs 1.1.2, SB16 ISA non-PnP w/
waveblaster daughterboard. modutils 2.2.2pre6. I also use a program to
periodically rmmod autoclean-able modules (modremove).

I've got modremove set up pretty aggressively...rmmod'ing every 20
seconds, and removing modules that have never been used as well.
Still, I've been running it this way for about 6 months, and I never
saw this with the late 2.1's.

It's difficult to reproduce this bug, but I've seen it a few dozen
times. The breakage always occurs in conjunction with the autoloading
of the SoundBlaster 16 drivers. I can manually load AND unload them
many times, and it wont trip it. But, after the system has been
running a while, autoloading SB drivers will break modules.

I'm going to set modremove to act less aggressively (say, rmmod'ing
every 45 seconds and leaving never-used modules alone). If I see it
again I'll report back.

Mark Orr

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