Re: Saving/Restoring the virtual address space of a linux process

Brian Kelly (
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 11:24:39 +0100

>I am working on a process migration process. Without modfying the kernel,
>I want to create an environment, where a linux process may save its
>virtual memory space into a file upon receiving a user signal, may be
>transferred to a different linux box with its memory dump file, and
>restore its state on that box by restoring its virtual address space and
>values of Base Pointer, Stack Pointer and Instruction pointer.

Take a look at the way emacs does this. When you build emacs from
source (this used to be true for version 18.<mumble> but I think it hasn't
changed) it actually builds a small lisp machine (temacs), loads in all the
real emacs lisp (which takes some time), gets itself to a state where it's
ready to edit files and dumps an image to disk, converting it to an
executeable. When you fire up the [quite large] executeable it's ready to
edit files almost immediately.

I was amazed (and not a little impressed) that this was a mechanism that
could be used cross platform.



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