2.2.6 freezes

Nate Riffe (inkblot@geocities.com)
Wed, 28 Apr 1999 01:12:53 -0500 (CDT)


Once today and twice on Sunday, my machine froze solid, requiring a power
cycle to get rolling again. It has been pointed out that an overheating
system or APM can do wierd things, but I checked and it isn't running hot
and APM is not enabled in the BIOS. The freeze occurs while KDE is idling
without a screensaver after several minutes (I had my screensaver timeout
set to 30 minutes). There is no Oops and there are no messages of any
kind in the logs regarding the event. Half of the hardware is less than
six months old, but the setup has been running continuously since January.

Here's the system:

350Mhz AMD K6-2
BCM motherboard /w Alladin IV chipset - 100Mhz bus
128MB PC100 DIMM
Diamond Viper 550 AGP video card /w Riva TNT chipset and 16MB video RAM
PCI NE2000 Ethernet (D-Link 528CT / Realtek 8029)
ES1371 sound card
540MB IDE hard disk - Conner Peripherals
3.1GB SCSI hard disk - Quantum Fireball
PS/2 mouse
LEGO Mindstorms transceiver

At the time of the three freezes, modules for the ethernet, cdrom, and
sound devices were loaded, but they usually are. SCSI support is staticly
linked. No options marked "experimental" were used.

I use NFS for my /usr/local and /usr/src partitions, both KDE and
Netscape, which was also running, are in /usr/local. The NFS server is
also running Red Hat 5.2 with kernel 2.2.6 using the kernel nfs server,
but without freezing. The system is a stock Red Hat 5.2 installation with
the updates and the "kernel-2.2" upgrade RPMS installed, all compiled
locally on the Red Hat 5.1 installation that they replaced. Though the
console was idle the system was not, since I run the distributed.net rc5
client. I doubt it is a TCP/IP stack bug because the ethernet network is
isolated from the Internet by a firewall (the other box) and is shared by
only the two Linux boxen.

If anyone has suggestions or needs more information, contact me
personally, I am not subscribed to the linux-kernel list.


Nate Riffe Bring me a selection of the finest meats
inkblot@geocities.com and cheeses your nation has to offer!

Version: 3.12
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D e>++(+++) h r++ y?

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