Re: SMP vs. Specialized chipsets WAS: Re: I have information/driver ...

Davide Rossetti (
Tue, 27 Apr 1999 19:40:33 +0200

Vladimir Dergachev wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Apr 1999 wrote:
> > This long thread about the evils of winmodems has made me wonder about
> > two things.
> >
> > 1) Why shouldn't hardware engineers make cheap peripherals which
> > require significant CPU assist and then just have an extra CPU around
> > to ensure that the user experience is responsive while one CPU is
> > doing things like the modem or sound processing. It seems to me that a
> > cheap SMP box would be much more useful than a computer with a whole
> > bunch of seldom used specialized chips in it. I'd love to have my
> > kernel compiles double in speed just by shutting down my modem or
> > sound card.
> >
> It makes some sense. The problem is that soundcard chip costs about $10
> and even cheap cpu's from AMD are about $40. You'll see the difference
> when you compare the die size. However the advantage of software
> implementation is that you can change your hardware on the fly.
> I think most manufacturers like the idea that they can cure a hardware bug
> by simply issuing a patch.
> > This brings me to my second question about SMP:
> >
> > 2) Why don't CPU designers revisit the RISC revolution and make much
> > simpler processors with shallower (simpler) pipelines and then pack
> > two or four processors on one die creating one chip that would appear
> > to the kernel as a four processors. Then let you kernel developers
> > play with locking and the application software developers multithread
> > their code to take advantage of it. It seems to me like it moves the
> > problem of speed optimzation into software where it is much easier to
> > profile and tweak. It could be that many of the fancy tweaks built
> > into microprocessors today might not be getting used all that often
> > because of lagging compiler technology or because the designer thought
> > something was important when in fact it is rarely used in modern
> > code. How do we know that the Pentium II or III is not just chocked
> > full of bloat etched into silicon?
> >
> VLIW - Very long instruction word.
> Of chips I can remember are Merced, some HP processor, and that Elbrus
> stuff (from Russia). Also probably Transmeta is doing this.
> You can get more info at
> Vladimir Dergachev

Here in Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), we have been
designing, building and using our VLIW chips in APE ('86, 10GFlops),
APE100 ('89, 100GFlops peak perf) and APEmille ('99, 1TFlops peak perf)
Massively Parallel Supercomputers for years

similar approaches are being used by main DSP chips.


|Rossetti Davide   INFN - Sezione Roma I - gruppo V, prog. APEmille| 
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|                           Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza"      |
|                           P.le Aldo Moro,5 I - 00185 Roma - Italy|
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|"Most people think about twice a year.  I got famous by thinking  |
| once a week." - George B. Shaw (see Appendix A)                  |

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