Re: 2.2.6 (with ac patches?!)

Sten Eriksson (
Mon, 26 Apr 1999 15:48:41 +0200

Now I've upgraded to the latest tulip.c driver (0.91), and we'll see if
this works out.
I will state my case at the tulip mailinglist if there are more

Thanks (Allan, Mathew etc) for a speedy reply, this knocked the socks of
my boss who thinks a no-op reply from Microsoft after a month is a
normal thing and growls about unsupported linux :-)

Sten Eriksson ! E-mail:
UDAC AB / Datorhotellet ! Tel, work: +46 18 471 78 20
Box 174 ! Tel, mob: +46 70 542 47 03
SE-751 04 Uppsala ! Tel, fax: +46 18 51 66 00

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