Re: SCSI dead lock on 2.0.36 kernel with buslogic SCSI driver !!!

Richard B. Johnson (
Mon, 26 Apr 1999 08:45:27 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 26 Apr 1999, Hubert Tonneau wrote:

> I have tryed to setup the most reliable disk server I could.
> The selected configuration is:
> - 350 Mhz pentium II based PC from Dell
> - 2.0.36 stock kernel
> - / and swap mounted on the EIDE internal disk
> - Buslogic BT958 SCSI controler
> - 4 x 45 Gb disks
> - 2 x 8 Gb disks
> - 3C905 ethernet card
> - UPS
> the disks are linked to the controler with short and high
> quality cables.

I use the BusLogic BT958 on most all of my machines. I have had
zero (0) problems with it and its driver. So I don't think your
problem is the SCSI Controller. However, I do not use IDE anything.

Once I tried to put a CD-ROM on IDE on this machine. A disaster
occurred when I tried to copy some files from the CD-ROM to a SCSI-
Disk. The disaster was so complete that there were not any "known"
file-systems left on the machine. The contents of all four SCSI
disks were completely trashed, having been overwritten with a
pattern of "|||||||||||||" (forever).

I suggest you do not use an IDE disk with SCSI. There seems to
be something about IDE that doesn't "like" SCSI boards. I didn't
bother to investigate why.

Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.2.6 on an i686 machine (400.59 BogoMips).
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