Re: Coda & big files

q q (
Mon, 26 Apr 1999 01:03:11 PDT

>> I took a look at coda implementation in kernel and I wonder:
>> How is it going to work with _large_ files -- ie. those too big to
>> on your harddrive? It seems to me like it can not handle them - but
>> that is too severe design bug for coda to live...
> Currently (ever ?) you don't.
> Yes, that limitation is nuisance, very least.
> Is it just an *implementation* limitation, or really
> a fundamental *design* item, that I can't say. Braam ?

it is a design item, note that clients can move from connected to
disconnected mode at any time, therfore the files are cached as a
whole. Coda has been designed for disconnected operation, but partial
fetch of files would mean adding AFS like semantics and the added

> If it is just an implementation issue, and nothing in the
> fundamental Venus/Vice protocol design prevents doing partial
> file access (although offline use of the file would likely be
> impossible in that case), then it is "just" a matter of
> getting suitable design for the re-engineering of Venus,
> and Vice, and doing the grunt work.
> Of course a good question in handling such giga-files is,
> is Coda really the right tool ?
>> Pavel
>/Matti Aarnio

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