I've got more information on this. The server I was seeing this problem
on was rebooted, and now it is either gone, or the limit has moved way
up. Looking around at memory usage, number of open files, and
/proc/slabinfo, I don't *see* anything different between now and when
the machine was limiting forks. Everything that I can think to notice
is basically the same as it was a few days ago, when the problem was
still present, except the update was around 20 days then, and is now
at 4 hours. It sure sounds like some kind of resource leak. This is
a 2.2.4 kernel on an SMP system.
If anyone has any suggestion as to how to track this down, feel free
to send them. The one constraint is that I only have ssh access to
the server, and I can't install and run test kernels.
--Tim Smith
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