Re: Kernel build automation help

William Stearns (
Thu, 22 Apr 1999 21:54:53 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Mike A. Harris wrote:

> Assuming that kernel sources are properly installed in /usr/src/linux
> from a clean tarball, and are unmodified, what is the easiest way to
> grab the kernel version number of the installed source?
> I've been trying to grab it from the top level makefile, but my script
> writing abilities seem to be lacking.
> Anyone have a few lines of simple bash code to get the kernel source
> version?

From Buildkernel, slightly modified:

eval `cat /usr/src/linux/Makefile | \
tr a-z A-Z | \
sed -e 's/\ //g'`

This places these variables in the shell environment table where
they can get used like any other variables. Example:

echo The installed version is ${VERSION}.${PATCHLEVEL}.${SUBLEVEL}

- Bill

"Put down those Windows disks, Dave..."
-- HAL
William Stearns (
Mason, Buildkernel, and named2hosts are at:

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