Re: reusing .config (was "")

mike burrell (
Tue, 13 Apr 1999 09:36:53 -0600 (CST)

On Tue, 13 Apr 1999 wrote:

| Is it possible/advisable to copy a .config to a new kernel version?
| It would be nice to be able to reuse the data, but I dont' want any
| funky interactions, and don't know how the script reacts to changes.

As far as I know, there should be no real problem. If something has
changed, eg CONFIG_MODULES is now known as CONFIG_COOL_MODULES, then my
guess is it would just quietly ignore this, and you'd be still without
modules or cool modules.

This shouldn't happen though (why would it?), so I say go ahead. 'make
oldconfig' is also a handy way to reuse your old .config in a new kernel
(try it, it's hours of fun).

m i k e b u r r e l l

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