Re: fstab file.

Ray Olszewski (
Wed, 31 Mar 1999 09:04:49 -0800

No Linux distribution I'm familiar with requires specific /dev entries for
specific mount points. Certainly not Red Hat. So that's not it.

You say you ran fdisk manually. Did you also run mke2fs (maybe mkfs.ext2 on
your system) manually on the filesystems and mkswap on the swap partition?
If not, you have partitions but no filesystems on them, and that could cause
the error you describe getting.

If that's not it, try posting your /etc/fstab file AND the output of an
fdisk partition check ("p" when fdisk is running). Can you mount the
partitions by hand from the command line?

At 05:00 PM 3/31/99 +1000, Paul Clyne wrote [abridged]:
>Hi all,
> I'm trying to install RH onto a HP omnibook I have ...
> I was having problems getting
>RH to install (at the Disk druid / fdisk stage) so I manually used fdisk
>and set up four partitions. hda1 -> hda4. I then editied fstab to reflect
>the 'new' partitions and their path.
> When I rebooted I get the message that the /usr, /home, and swap partions
>can't be found.
> Does Linux _have_ to have certain /{paths} located on certain devices ?
------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski -- Han Solo
762 Garland Drive
Palo Alto, CA 94303-3603
650.328.4219 voice

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