Portforwarding reboots machine on 2.2.3

Duarte Cordeiro (duarte.cordeiro@arvore.pt)
Wed, 31 Mar 1999 17:24:08 +0100

By mistake, I've just run ipmasqadm with portfw and forward packets to port
80 on machineA into port 80 on machineA. It's wrong, I know, but that was a
error. Trying to access port 80 on that machine does reboot the machine.

First of all, I think ipmasqadm shouldn't allow you to insert that rule
But even if it does, it was supposed the reboot to happen ?

Running 2.2.3 on i586.
Haven't tried it with any other kernel version.

Duarte M. Cordeiro Internetworking & Com. Security
mailto:Duarte.Cordeiro@arvore.pt Project Manager

Arvore - Tecnologias de Informacao Tel: +351 1 3193000
Av. Miguel Bombarda, 1 - 3 Dto. Fax: +351 1 3541676
1000 Lisboa - Portugal http://www.arvore.pt

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