Re: (no more) Solid freezes with 2.2.4

Dave Cinege (
Wed, 31 Mar 1999 03:26:59 -0500

Richard Gooch wrote:
> That is strange. So you had crashes on an SMP system with MTRRs
> enabled? And these crashes weren't during boot time?

Nope. Solid freezes during use. Might take 15 minutes. Might take 15 hours.
But I was going down once or twice a day almost everyday since I started using
2.2. I recompiled with MTRR's turned off: Not a lock since the 25th.

FYI the second thing in my list to disable was the framebuffer.
Someone mentioned framebuffer + X as causing him locks.

> Were there any boot messages about inconsistent MTRRs?

Not that I remember seeing, but I'm not sure.

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