Re: multiply files in one (was GNU/Linux stance by Richard Stallman)

Richard Gooch (
Tue, 30 Mar 1999 13:11:07 +1000

Larry McVoy writes:
> : > Look, if things worked the way I'm describing then you should see a
> : > quantum leap in small file performance. Think 10x faster and you'll
> : > see that the number of I/O's have to go down by at least a factor of 10.
> :
> : Do you have an implementation of this? At least a proof-of-concept
> : one? If you don't, please write one and provide us with the test
> : results. Write a paper on the issue and publish it.
> I did. Go look.

But those were just done under SunOS, right? I wonder whether your
results reflect that tarfs is a very good idea, or that SunOS is
slow. This reminds me of the recurrent "let's implement swapfs for
Linux" thread. Swapfs is good for SunOS because SunOS is slow. Swapfs
for Linux is probably pointless because ext2fs and Linux are so fast.

Did you compare your tarfs with Linux+ext2fs? How does it fare?

What about linux+reiserfs? If tarfs is better, I'd be very



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