Re: Opening 5000 file descriptors in linux??

Alan Cox (
Sun, 28 Mar 1999 20:36:51 +0100 (BST)

> simultaneously open ~5000 sockets and talk to all these clients. As far as
> i know a process can open only about 50-60 sockets (file descriptors).

256 in 2.0, 1024 in 2.2

There is a patch to take 2.0 to 3000. The -ac releases (and eventually I
hope 2.2 proper) have support for 2.2 handling very large numbers of file

> Can a 200MHz pentium take the load of a process with 5000 open file
> descriptors, or will it just crash. Also which of the above 2 approaches

It wont just crash. Once you are talking 5000+ handles though it suggests
you need to look at your communication model. It may be 5000 handles is
the right answer, it may be that if you have little state and don't need
to do complex flow control you should use UDP - there are reasons ICQ
uses UDP for example

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