Opening 5000 file descriptors in linux??

Lokesh Setia (
Sun, 28 Mar 1999 12:40:14 +0530 (IST)

[ please cc: a copy of the reply to as i am not
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I am writing a program (somewhat similar to irc server) that would
simultaneously open ~5000 sockets and talk to all these clients. As far as
i know a process can open only about 50-60 sockets (file descriptors).

Will i have to open multiple processes with some form of IPC or shared
memory, or can i configure a kernel to let a process open any amount of
file descriptors. If yes, where in the kernel code should i change.

Can a 200MHz pentium take the load of a process with 5000 open file
descriptors, or will it just crash. Also which of the above 2 approaches
(single process or multiple process) will result in better utiliziation
and better stability.

What if the number of sockets is 20000 instead of 5000? ;-)



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