Re: rmdir problem with remove("foo/.")

Linus Torvalds (
26 Mar 1999 23:06:45 GMT

In article <>,
Greg Wolodkin <> wrote:
>[1.] glibc remove("foo/.") removes foo with 2.2.2, not with 2.0.36

Yes. It's a known deficiency in 2.0.x.

Basically, you shouldn't count on 'remove("dir/.")' (or rmdir, which is
what the low-level interface is anyway) removing the directory, because
it's not guaranteed to work (other unixes don't tend to support the
notion, and Linux doesn't do it in 2.0.x either).

Or did you mean that you _didn't_ want it to remove "foo"? If you didn't
mean for it to remove "foo", then why did you ask the kernel to do it?


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