swapon crashes computer

Manfred Spraul (masp0008@stud.uni-sb.de)
Fri, 26 Mar 1999 14:37:14 +0100

I have one IDE disk:
/dev/hda1: ext2, root
/dev/hda2: swapspace

if I run the following commands, the filesystem becomes unusable:

# swapoff /dev/hda2
# swapon /dev/hda1 #<<< NOT A TYPO, really /dev/hda1

The second call does fails, but afterwards ll_rw_block printk()'s:

"device /dev/hda1: only 4096-char blocks implemented (1024)".

I must reboot and fsck afterwards, even SysRq doesn't sync/unmount.

Could someone check that this really crashes Linux?
(2.2.4, no special patches.)
I currently don't have enough time to fix this myself.

Please CC, I'm not on the mailing list.


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