Re: GNU/Linux stance by Richard Stallman

Eric F. Sorton (
Fri, 26 Mar 1999 00:11:43 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 25 Mar 1999, Andy Carlson wrote:

> Has anyone seen this? Where Richard Stallman stood up and insisted that
> Linux be called GNU Linux?

Well personally I don't really blame the guy. I mean say if it wasn't
your typical distribution and was something being sold by Microsoft. Say
Microsoft put together an operating system and called it Microsoft
Winix. (They probably couldn't use the name Linux because of the
trademark.) And lets say they didn't give Linus, Alan, DaveM, and
everyone else any sort of credit. Would you be pissed off then????
I'm sure I would be. RMS is sort of in this situation.


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