Re: disk head scheduling

Arvind Sankar (
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 16:05:26 -0500

On Thu, Mar 18, 1999 at 08:50:36PM +0100, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Mar 1999, Arvind Sankar wrote:
> > I have a currently working algo which is greedy instead. i.e. for a new
> > request, it computes the place where its insertion will produce the least
> > incremental cost (where cost is the number of additional sectors to seek).
> > It seems to work for me. No idea how to compare the two algos, though. Can
> > somebody help me out here...
> be careful. These are all well-known problems, and your algorithm (also
> called SSF (smallest-seek-first) scheduling) is not fair enough. It has to
> be coupled with a mechanizm that provides fairness. (ie. guarantees that a
> request will not 'hang around' for too long time, unfairly blocking a
> process just because the position of the sector is unfortunate)

yeah. besides, it isn't really better than elevator, since doing reads while
going backward on a disk is worse than just going to the start and doing all
of them in the forward direction.

Reverting now :)

> > Another point is that IN_ORDER seems to be called only for two requests
> > on the same device, so no idea why it compares the device numbers.
> no, all requests (for all devices) are in a single 'queue'. (Per-major
> device queues is candidate 2.3 feature, it's really simple)

oh. I realized that it was at least per-major, but it's global, huh?

-- arvind

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