Re: lunar kernel: Error seeking in /dev/kmem

Riley Williams (rhw@BigFoot.Com)
Sun, 14 Mar 1999 20:33:25 +0000 (GMT)

Hi there.

> Read Changes.txt in /usr/src/linux/Documentation.

Referring to that file, where on earth are some of the updates
mentioned? Here's the relevant list from the 2.2.3 source tree...

Kernel modules 2.1.121 ; insmod -V
Gnu C ; gcc --version
Binutils ; ld -v
Linux libc5 C Library 5.4.46 ; ls -l /lib/*
Linux libc6 C Library 2.0.7pre6 ; ls -l /lib/*
Dynamic Linker ( 1.9.9 ; ldd --version or ldd -v
Linux C++ Library ; ls -l /usr/lib/*
Procps 1.2.9 ; ps --version
Procinfo 15 ; procinfo -v
Psmisc 17 ; pstree -V
Net-tools 1.49 ; hostname -V
Loadlin 1.6a
Sh-utils 1.16 ; basename --v
Autofs 3.1.1 ; automount --version
NFS 2.2beta40 ; showmount --version
Bash 1.14.7 ; bash -version
Ncpfs 2.2.0 ; ncpmount -v
Pcmcia-cs 3.0.7 ; cardmgr -V
PPP 2.3.5 ; pppd -v
Util-linux 2.9g ; chsh -v

Of these, I note the following oddities:

1. NFS is specified as needing 2.2beta40 but the latest available
appears to be 2.2beta37 ???

2. Util-linux is specified as needing 2.9g or later but the latest
appears to be 2.9 (without the g) ???

Perhaps somebody can clarify this for me as I have to admit to being
puzzled by those two, although all the other applicable ones have now
been upgraded to at least the versions specified...

Best wishes from Riley.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |

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