> "Richard B. Johnson" wrote:
> >
> > If Bill Gates did anything different his stockholders might fire him.
> Good luck getting the votes, as he the the largest holder.
Nope. He may or may not hold more shares than any other shareholder,
however, he doesn't even hold controlling shares.
This is a publicly traded corporation and even you probably
(indirectly) hold some shares because insurance companies, retirement
plans, etc. trade this stock.
> Let me do a quick condensed review of the last 20 years of the PC
regarding M$:
> MS sees a peice of technology as a threat to their monopoly.
> They try to muscle in and kill it.
> If they can't kill it, they buy it.
> If they can't buy it, they infiltrate and attempt to seize control of it.
Well the Federal Government hasn't been able to prove this so I doubt
that you can either.
What they did, which pissed a lot of people off, including me, is
use their advertising, purchasing, and promotional power to redefine
the Personal Computer to be a Personal Communication and entertainment
device. The resulting toy is being further 'taught' by idiots who
call themselves schoolteachers, to be a 'Computer' to the school-kids
of today. These kids, thinking that they have conquered computer
literacy, enter the job market without the ability to earn a living.
There are only so many jobs doing Web-Pages.
> And I'm sure M$ will have it set up with some propritary windouche
> GUI kit that effectivly gives them complete control. DON'T THINK FOR A
> LINUX. They will do there damnest to slip things in that let's them lock
> up the technology. That's the only way they have ever done business.
Look, it was the absolutely horrible performance of Windoze that
established the market for CPUs that run so fast it doesn't even matter
anymore. Don't think for a moment that Intel would have spent billions
in development cost unless M$ had convinced the world that 'everybody'
will own a computer within the next 5 years.
You get to use this performance without having to pay for its
development. Six to eight million lemmings, led by Microsoft, paid
for this technology and it is not stopping here. Now M$ didn't do
this as a favor. It was just, as Reagan would have said; "The trickle
down effect". So enjoy.
I fear that the 2.3 GHz CPU that Intel is developing right now just
might be delayed if M$ dumps Windoze. The 'real' computer users are
only 3 percent of the market, and I can't afford to pay my share.
Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.2.3 on an i686 machine (400.59 BogoMips).
Warning : It's hard to remain at the trailing edge of technology.
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