Re: [OFFTOPIC]: MS Porting Office to Linux?

Alex Buell (
Sat, 13 Mar 1999 19:23:00 +0000 (GMT)

On Sat, 13 Mar 1999, Harald Koenig wrote:

> any facts and details ? just a "it's not our fault" is not much
> evidence (on any side).

At least I have the attention of StarOffice boys now. Sorry if I had to
scream loudly and publically. I tried to contact StarDiv and all I got was
a stinky marketdroid e-mail telling me to phone them. I can't do that
unfortunately since I'm deaf.

> please keep in mind when SO 5.0 was released! at least at that time
> glibc 2.0 and pre-2.1 have been so full of compatibility problems that
> I believe the SO (Netscape, Applix, Orcale, ...) boys that there was
> no chance not using glibc 2.0.7.

When you were developing, you should have subscribed to alpha-glibc and
glibc mailing lists - they might have helped to give answers

> anyway, what has to be taken care of to use glibc 2.0 to build
> 2.1-proof applications ? are there any docs, FAQs, hints, ... ?

You have to stop using 2.0 specific features and use features that are
common to both glibc versions.

I think recompiling with the glibc-2.1 libraries should do the trick
(trying to compile should show up most of the problems and then it's a
simple matter to modify)


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