Query about task Queues ! (fwd)

G Jalaja Devi (jalaja@teil.soft.net)
Sat, 13 Mar 1999 17:53:15 +0530 (IST)

In case of using task queues for deferred processing in an interrupt
handler(isr), A task statically defined as type tq_struct is used to queue for
dpc by the call to queue_task(). Meanwhile, if another interrupt occurs,
the same task can obviously be not queued again as long as the previously
queued task is not scheduled. Otherwise the scheduler will go in an
infinite loop. How do you guarantee in an isr that the previously queued
task is already scheduled?

And obviously, allocating memory for a tq_struct in an isr is not
recommended. Or should I maintain a list of tasks initially allocated ,
and pick up an unused one everytime an interrupt occurs.?

-thanx in advance
-Prasanna Gokhale

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