Fw: UDMA not supported on my board

Mark Harburn (marcus@xcalibre.uk.com)
Fri, 12 Mar 1999 23:32:22 -0000

Acer Labs (10b9), PCI-IDE device 5219

just found that on altavista, it's the vid (on a ms site of all places for
NT heh).
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Harburn <marcus@xcalibre.uk.com>
To: linux-kernel@vger.rutgers.edu <linux-kernel@vger.rutgers.edu>
Date: 12 March 1999 23:23
Subject: Re: UDMA not supported on my board

>The patche's (as there was two one with extra features) failed on a lot of
>sections, but the majority of the code went in. Anyway the kernel is 2.2.3
>and with the patches reports exactly the same error below. hdparm reports
>them as being dma capable, but can't turn the dma flag on. Sugesting it's
>the hd controller's that linux doesn't support.
>Any other sugestions?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Roy C Bixler <rcb@press-gopher.uchicago.edu>
>To: Mark Harburn <marcus@xcalibre.uk.com>
>Date: 13 March 1999 04:30
>Subject: Re: UDMA not supported on my board
>>On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Mark Harburn wrote:
>>> Hi, heres the jargon:-
>>> PCI_IDE: unknown IDE controller on PCI bus 00 device 58, VID=10b9,
>>> DID=5229
>>> PCI_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
>>> PCI_IDE: simplex device: DMA disabled
>>> ide0: PCI_IDE Bus-Master DMA disabled (BIOS)
>>> PCI_IDE: simplex device: DMA disabled
>>> ide1: PCI_IDE Bus-Master DMA disabled (BIOS)
>>> hda: ST33210A, ATA DISK drive
>>> hdb: WDC AC35100L, ATA DISK drive
>>> hdd: FX240S, ATAPI CDROM drive
>>> Board = micom TX pro plus i think (not sure :/)
>>> both drives are UDMA and windows recognises' them as such.
>>> bios = award 1997
>>> this is with all the chipset's compiled in (i reported this last year,
>>> never got back around to checking it afraid :/)
>>> The bios say's it support upto UDMA2
>>> any ideas?
>>Yes, try out Andre Hedrick's UDMA patches at
>>Roy Bixler
>>The University of Chicago Press

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