Re: Linux/IA-64 byte order

Linus Torvalds (
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 22:29:44 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 9 Mar 1999 wrote:
> You should be looking for any good reason to choose one format over
> another, not just technical reasons. Networks were built by humans and
> debugged by humans. Quite frankly looking at raw network packets off of
> a wire is much easier to read if it's readable by humans (and, yes, this
> is exactly what I've done in the past).

What is it with you people?

LE and BE are completely made up constructs. Neither is better than the

If you want to look at network packets, nobody uses raw hex dumps. Or if
they do, they should sure as hell not use "readable" as an excuse for
doing so.

There are tools out there to make data much more readable, and LE and BE
has nothing at all to do with it.

> > Avoid confusion.
> How about "strive for a better Kernel" instead.

For the last time: big-endian is _NOT_ "better". Never has been, never
will be.

People think I'm some kind of endianness bigot. I'm not. I just refuse to
be conviced by completely spacious arguments. IA-32 is LE, and for that
reason (and that reason alone), so is the IA-64 version of Linux going to

Just because we don't want to mix, not because I think LE is somehow
fundamentally better.


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