Re: MOSIX and kernel mods.

Kamran Karimi (
Thu, 4 Mar 1999 11:11:57 -0600 (CST)

Richard Gooch wrote:

>Using DIPC or MOSIX is like using the "-parallel" switch on a
>compiler. Sure, you'll usually get a performance boost (but sometimes
>performance will drop through 13 floors), but it's not going to be
>anywhere near the performance if you make the parallelism explicit.

I agree completely. There will be some overhead when using systems like
DIPC. That is because they are taking over some of the work that should
be done by the programmer if he uses systems like PVM or MPI. Actually,
this is true even in the case of PVM and MPI, as they rely on TCP sockets. I
wonder if the best solution in your opinion is to program the networking
adaptor directly?

We build abstraction layers, and deciding where to "stop" building more
is somewhat arbitrary, and subject to discussion.

The point is, not all distributed applications need to get all the
performance increase possible. Use the method you think is appropriate
for you, and let others do the same.


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