Re: OSDI paper - IO-Lite: A Unified I/O Buffering and Caching System

Dean Gaudet (
Wed, 3 Mar 1999 09:28:07 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Oliver Xymoron wrote:

> This is the IPC case - CGI to web server. I/O-Lite accomplishes this one
> by mapping fragments into the destination's memory space. This means at
> least a TLB flush, possibly one for each page (or smaller!) of the data
> the CGI is pumping out.

You take the TLB flush a few times, not every operation. See the bit
about acls and such -- they set up a pool of shared pages between the
processes which are reused. You should look at the paper again -- there
are various subtleties in there.

> though. Apache maps entire files at once and keeps a cache of file
> mappings to minimize this.

Apache doesn't have a cache, it can't do an efficient dynamic cache as a
multiprocess server... (if you find a solution that works tell us ;)

> A combination of this and sendfile(2) or lm's splice (which has a lot in
> common with this scheme) might actually be able to do the trick. If we do
> the IPC memory mapping lazily (or just do a copy), applications that are
> performance sensitive (like our web server) can do a sendfile. The kernel
> can then move the IO fragments around internally and the mapping or copy
> for userspace can be avoided. Ingo's point about the very dynamic nature
> of CGI pages makes this endeavor rather questionable though.

Not all data originates in the kernel -- the TCP-checksuming tricks don't
apply to data originated from userland.

It's perfectly valid for a program to dynamically generate a bunch of
content in memory which is used over and over... and the io-lite stuff
transparently makes this work. With sendfile()/etc I'd have to write this
to disk first to fool the kernel into TCP-checksum caching.


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