Re: [patch] syslog fix? 2.2.2

Linus Torvalds (
Mon, 1 Mar 1999 14:12:33 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 1 Mar 1999, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> this one looks like a place that relies on the 'old' behavior of
> sleep_on*? We go into interruptible_sleep_on() with interrupts disabled,
> and if sleep_on() write-locks on waitqueue_lock, another CPU read-locks
> waitqueue_lock and is interrupted, then that IRQ or bh deadlocks, boom.

If you write-lock on waitqueue-lock, then you will release the lock and
try again. A write lock will never wait with the lock held, so the other
CPU should not read-lock. See the write_lock(rw) implementation:

asm volatile("\n1:\t" \
"lock ; btsl $31,%0\n\t" \
"jc 4f\n" \
"2:\ttestl $0x7fffffff,%0\n\t" \
"jne 3f\n" \
".section .text.lock,\"ax\"\n" \
"3:\tlock ; btrl $31,%0\n" \
"4:\tcmp $0,%0\n\t" \
"jne 4b\n\t" \
"jmp 1b\n" \
".previous" \
:"=m" (__dummy_lock(&(rw)->lock)))

Note how we release the lock at label 3.

> this also means that it's completely illegal to do sleep_on* with
> interrupts disabled ... have i missed something?

I think you just overlooked the basic writelock implementation.


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