Re: Separating processes per CPU in a SMP system

Tim Hockin (
Mon, 22 Feb 1999 13:04:20 -0600 (EST)

> P.S.: Tim, let us know if the patch is really clean. There was a
> problem with entry.S, now offsets in entry.S are in synch with
> asm/unistd.h

thanks, Claude.

I stopped backporting to 2.0 about 2.1.117

I am currently doing a COMPLETE from-scratch (ok, I looked at the old stuff
rewrite for 2.2 (2.3?) and when it is stable, I will backport it to
2.0.3x or whatever is most recent - in full. I am adding some new
features, simplifying code a lot, and hopefully adding wrappers for some
new compatibility.

There was an issue on 2.0 - it seemed to break modules! I never looked
into very far, though.

I'll hold on to this cleaned up patch, and make sure my 2.0 (when I get
there) complies with your changes.


p.s. Claude - I'll try to have version 0.6a available for tests Real Soon
Now (tm)

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