[NOT A KERNEL PROBLEM] Re: ISDN & Kernel 2.2 fun

John Hayward-Warburton (linux@billabong.demon.co.uk)
Wed, 17 Feb 1999 06:27:32 +0000 (GMT)


This message comes to you via ISDN on 2.2.2-pre5 and the latest
utils and tools. It's probably not a kernel problem.

Your addresses on each end of the ippp0 link are wrong. You're
telling your kernel that the ippp0 interface address is
different from what your ISP wants to see. You can fix this by
letting ipppd handle it automatically. Don't give it any
addresses, and don't manually add any route.

How are you invoking ipppd? What options do you use? Here's mine:

/sbin/ipppd ippp0 defaultroute debug kdebug 1 lock -vj -vjccomp

That's all you need! (I keep debug options in because I like to see
what my system is doing)

What this all means is that I'm telling ippp0 to put into my routing
table a default route (no need for a manual 'route' command) between
me and the default server at the other end. I don't need to give my
own address and their address because the ippp protocol negotiation
does that for you, and Linux ipppd is clever enough to tell the
kernel and set the routing automatically. So, in brief, don't
specify an address on your ipppd command line, and don't manually
add the route. ipppd will handle it. At the moment, your IP link
addresses are wrongly set.

I hope this fixes your problem: we shan't ever want to go back to
using a modem after getting ISDN and Linux working here!

Best wishes,


John Hayward-Warburton

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