Re: Errors when mounting NFS volumes from 2.2x client to 2.0.36 server

Dan Boger (
Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:39:40 -0500

On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 18:55:12 -0600
Eric Wieling <>
wrote concerning 'Errors when mounting NFS volumes from 2.2x client to 2.0.36 server':
> I'm getting the following errors when I'm mounting NFS volumes.
> The client is a 2.2.2pre2 or 2.2.1ac5, the server is 2.0.36
> I *believe* that I've upgraded everything suggested in the
> Changes file for 2.2x. I could have missed something, or
> somehow have the old and new versions installed, I suppose.
> I'm sure it's something stupid on my part, but I can't figure it
> out. Any ideas?
> portmap: RPC call returned error 111
> RPC: task of released request still queued!
> RPC: (task is on xprt_pending)
> [snip]

I'm getting similar errors on vanila 2.2.1, and I'm pretty sure that
I'm getting it also on non linux clients. the server is running 2.0.27.

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