Module dependancies...

Peter (
Wed, 10 Feb 1999 01:35:51 -0500 (EST)

I'm trying (just toying around really) to make two modules, one which uses
a function from another, and can't seem to manage to get the second one to
work. The first (hello.o) declares a function hello_ps, and exports it
with "EXPORT_SYMBOL(hello_ps);". The other (world.o) has

extern void hello_ps(void);

int init_module(void) {

The problem being, if I load them, I get

zarniwoop:/devel/kernel# insmod hello.o
zarniwoop:/devel/kernel# insmod world.o
init_module: found dependency that is (no longer?) a module.
world.o: init_module: Invalid argument

nm seems to show them having the correct symbols exported and needed, and
after loading the first one, /proc/ksyms has hello_ps as expected -- what
am I doing wrong?

-- Peter

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher
esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
-- Nietzsche

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