Re: PPP bug

Vladimir Dergachev (
Mon, 8 Feb 1999 09:20:25 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, CaT wrote:

> Vladimir Dergachev wrote the following:
> >
> > You should type +++ with a pause. i.e. + ; sleep 1 ; + ; sleep 1 ; +
> > .. sleep 0.7 would be better probably.
> Nope :) 0.7 is not valid but this:
> echo -e "+\c"; sleep 1; echo -e "+\c"; sleep 1; echo -e "+\c"; sleep 1
What are \c for ?

Basically you have to send +++ (open a minicom window and type it (with
pauses) to check). And of course you should not have any other program
sending characters in between. If all you want is to simply close the ppp
link you should just kill the pppd daemon - it will close the line itself.
(pppd daemon has a file someplace in /var)

Vladimir Dergachev

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