Re: [Patch available] SCSI-Idle for 2.2.0

Sylvain Pion (
Thu, 21 Jan 1999 17:25:11 +0100

On Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 02:16:46AM +0000, Jon Evans wrote:
> I've tweaked scsi-idle-2.0.36 and turned it into scsi-idle-2.2.0-pre7.
> Seems to work great. I even have my swap partition on my scsi drive.
> Where should I send the tarball?

AFAIK, the 2.1.127p3 version still works perfectly, you can find it at:
Renaming it "2.2" and putting it on sunsite would be a good idea...

For 2.3.x, when stats per devices will be available, I might come up with a
smaller patch (namely, the idle time counting will be doable in user space,
hopefully). Then the only remaining thing in the kernel would be the spin up
code. Hopefully, that one would be includable ;-)

Sylvain, waiting for 2.3.0

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