knfs nothing but problems!

Neil Conway (
Wed, 20 Jan 1999 10:50:46 -0500

I tried 2.2.0-pre8 + knfsd-981204 (no kernel patches) and had nothing
but problems.

1) amd host automount from a remote linux box. This is OK.

2) Previous mount was RO, so I edit exports and change to RW.

Now exports has two entries:


The cdrom is currently not mounted.

Now I kick kexportfs -a.

Now the remote gets stale NFS filehandle. I can't fix it. I reboot

Now the linux remote host automount only mounts the /mnt/cdrom, not /!
The local linux box says:

Jan 20 10:29:03 nbeckerpc mountd[370]: export request from
Jan 20 10:29:03 nbeckerpc mountd[370]: authenticated mount request from
Jan 20 10:29:03 nbeckerpc mountd[370]: getfh failed: Operation not permitted
Jan 20 10:29:03 nbeckerpc mountd[370]: authenticated mount request from

The getfh failed: must be the problem.

I reboot the remote linux box again, but the problem persists.

I don't see any problem when using host automount from a solaris box.

Anyway, I've had enough at this point, and go back to user-mode nfsd

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