Re: TCP Splice alleviates proxy bottleneck

Alan Cox (
Tue, 19 Jan 1999 05:37:48 +0000 (GMT)

> > Their ? Having looked at the reference I'd like Larry McVoy's opinion on
> > its originality 8)
> I'm not sure what you mean by this. Are you referring to Larry McVoy's
> paper "Splice - a push pull I/O model for Unix" dated 6/24/98 [1]?


> it is. My first experience with this kind of splicing was in 198"mumble"
> with an authentication server for an early implementation of Datakit
> at Bell Labs. I think network splicing in that context was "invented"

Nod. I met someone at Usenix who thought LM wasnt original either and had
hacked into into some early 1980's BSD box. I guess it goes back a long way

> My point in bringing their work to the linux-kernel list was not to
> proclaim their ordinality or uniqueness with this technique, but rather
> to encourage the Linux developers to think about adding this kind of
> functionality to the kernel.

Always be wary of IBM papers, IBM have an "if its more than 2 lines long
patent it" approach to life. Generally its a good idea to type the authors
names into the patent server before reading


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