Re: HZ=1024 for CPU >= 586?

Albert D. Cahalan (
Mon, 18 Jan 1999 09:03:28 -0500 (EST)

Christoph Lameter (
> On Mon, 18 Jan 1999, Erik Corry wrote:

>> Note that Linus has said that HZ is 100 to user processes
>> now and forever, so anywhere where the user space can see
>> what HZ is (some things in /proc, a few ioctls, etc.) it
>> should stay at 100. Internally you can use higher values.
> For alpha cpus Linux already uses 1024. User processes like
> top see the increase in HZ. And top shows wrong values...

I fixed top, ps, and more.

You can set HZ to 1024 without recompiling. You don't have to
make /proc report values as if HZ had not been changed,
but you could. It is your option.

That also includes:

CPU time info is correct for the very first time.
Unix98 pty devices are shown.
Both "ps aux" and "ps -ef" work now, and you can mix them freely.
You don't have to update /etc/psdatabase when you recompile Linux.
You don't have to update /etc/psdevtab when you change /dev.
Processes can be selected by name. ("ps -C xterm,nxterm,rxvt")
Formats are totally user-defined. ("ps -o ruser,euser,pid,cmd")

Isn't it time you upgraded?

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